Words of Wisdom

Dance like the photo's not tagged, love like you've never been unfriended, tweet like nobody's following

Monday, January 21, 2013

I wear real clothes now

So I was trying to put together an example of some of my new favorite things to wear...but Polyvore was having a bit of a 'tude tonight.

I will say that one of the best things about the new (soon to be announced) job is that I get to wear real clothes! No more black embroidered workout clothes for me. Another other great thing: it doesn't feel like work. I guess I thought I had a pretty sweet gig before but I am realizing that I actually dreaded going to work. Hindsight is always 20/20.

Yup, fun girls, fun clothes and literally steps away from Starbucks (oh and about 1 block away from Kirtie)...right in downtown Hanover. The only flaw is that the clothes are covered up by winter clothing...although these guys are functional and cute:

The only drawback so far is that I'm not sure exactly how much of my paycheck will actually make it home...

Hope you all had a GREAT Monday. I'm headed to bed because hubby somehow convinced me to go to a ski demo with him tomorrow. Picture this: 7am departure, 7 degrees, surrounded by people who only want to talk about skiing. Obviously I can't answer any question related to skiing unless it involves  either ski apparel choices (from a "cuteness" standpoint...not a functional one) or Apres ski.

Cross your fingers that I don't fall too many times or hit my head on the bad side :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Happy New Year!

Long time no talk...I've been laying low since the end of November, but now I'm back! No to be too candid, but I was in a tough spot physically (brain surgery will do that to you) and my confidence was down.

I started back at work in the beginning in January and the confidence went down again. Coming back from a surgery like that immediately makes people uncomfortable...people tend to tip-toe around you so as not to "overwhelm" you. Let me tell you, this does not do anything for confidence...it makes you feel like a freaking invalid.

You know what makes you feel even worse...having people tell you that you "just weren't quite yourself" right before you left for surgery...duh. Would you have your stuff together if you were going in for that kind of thing?

After a few days back I spoke with someone at work about how I was feeling and got a different response than I expected...please tell me more about how I screwed up and dropped the ball towards the end. Talk about kicking a girl when she's down,

Long story short, I decided that it was time (probably a little past time) to move on from this job (which was my first 'big girl' job) and find something that makes me happy and feel good.

I have a few things that I'm pursuing and will write about them when there's more to tell! Until then I'm going to read this lovely quote (from a favorite movie) over and over...