Sorry that I've been MIA this was for two reasons:
1. I was still recovering late Sunday night and Monday from the tailgate party and had no energy or brain power to write a coherent blog post.
2. I have been traveling for work and have been stuck in random hotels/health & fitness clubs in NYC and CT with no good wifi!
I'm finally getting a chance to sit down and post something semi-coherent (it's been a long week already) day just got a little better because of a glass of wine and the fact that I am at my final destination (for now). This morning I woke up at 6am (early for this chick) and drove 45 min to work out with bossy-poo at one of the healthclubs we're visiting. After finishing a workout and grabbing starbucks (another highlight) I showered (in my 3rd public shower since Sunday) and got ready for my 11:30 mtg with their marketing 10am.
I waited in their cafe until approximately 12:15pm when I finally looked pathetic enough for someone to come up and ask if I needed anything!!!! Um, yes, I need the people I'm supposed to meet with and a stiff drink ASAP. This then leads to a long boring tour of the club, followed by a session of "brainstorming" and finally meeting with an awesome marketing woman who brought me to a different club and showed me some helpful things! It's now 4:45pm and I'm waiting outside for my "ride" (aka the person who forgot about me this am) who shows up at 5:15pm and drops me off at the hotel where I'm expecting to check in and take a snooze!
Not so fast.
The woman at the front desk of the hotel in wherever the hell I am in NY State can't speak english and tells me that she has already handed out the keys to my room and cannot give me one. So here I am, sitting in the bar of a courtyard marriot swigging wine and blogging. Yup...sweet Humpday for me.